Saturday, November 30, 2019

The history and contributions Essay Example For Students

The history and contributions Essay Greek GeometryAlthough the original roots of geometry can be traced to the Egyptians, the Greeks built on most Egyptian theories that we use today. Greek astronomy and Greek geometry were both used in order to answer many difficult questions of the time. Without geometry, the study of astronomy would have been almost impossible, and vice versa. Even though many Greek theorems and principles were later built on by geniuses such as Einstein and Lobachevsky, the basis still remains the same. The development of Greek geometry is said to be started by Thales of Miletus. Thales came from Egypt with a number of geometric principles that the Greeks were able to use for practical purposes. He lived towards the beginning of the sixth century B. C, and has been credited with many geometric theorems. Some of the most important theorems developed by Thales included:-If two triangles have two angles and one side is respectively equal, then both triangles are congruent to each other. -Angles at the base of any isosceles triangle are equal. -If two straight lines intersect, then the opposite angles formed are equal. We will write a custom essay on The history and contributions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Thales also did much work with the height of pyramids by measuring the height of the pyramid’s shadow only at a specific time of the day. While most of his theorems were proven, some that were not pertained to a ship’s distance from shore and the bisector of a circle. His discoveries led to the formation of many other theorems by later Greeks such as Pythagoras and Plato. These two men (next to Thales) contributed the most to Greek geometry. Pythagoras discovered and proved many different theorems and ideas that contributed greatly to the development of geometry. Some of Pythagoras’s proven discoveries included: -All of the angles in a triangle add up to the sum of two right angles. -The development and use of geometrical algebra.-The theorem of Pythagoras. a^2 + b^2 = c^2 Pythagoras also did many studies with triangles and developing or editing shapes. His most famous discovery was the Pythagorean theorem (listed above). This theorem combined the sides of a right triangle, and this led to the development of irrational numbers by Pythagoras later on. Pythagoras discovered that the square root of 2 was an irrational number. Plato, another great mind of Greece, did more than just develop theorems for geometry, he stressed that geometry was essential. Plato believed that everyone should be well educated in mathematics as well as geometry. He said that math was the â€Å"tool of life†, and his promotion of geometry spread far and inspired many of his followers to pursuit their own studies of geometry. He also built on many of Pythagoras’s teachings, but he is most famous for being the first man to use a hypothesis to solve a problem. He taught that with enough educated guessing, the correct answer will come eventually. Everyone who uses geometry today draws something from the Greeks. The Egyptians were the first to develop it, but the Greeks kept geometry alive and soon it became part of western society. Today geometry is a worldwide mathematics system, and possibly without the Greeks, geometry would have stayed buried in history, never to be learned.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Abuse of Power by Presidents from John Kennedy to George Bush essays

Abuse of Power by Presidents from John Kennedy to George Bush essays Kennedy's number one incident of an abuse of power was probably the "Bay of Pigs" secret invasion into Cuba in April, 1961. The attempt to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was a huge failure, and it was an embarrassment to both Kennedy and to the United States in the eyes of the world. Kennedy did not consult the U.S. Congress prior to launching the provocative attack, and hence, many felt it was an abuse of his power. Lyndon Johnson's biggest incidence of an abuse of power was most likely the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964. The American military had for several years been providing "training" and "advisors" to the South Vietnam regime, and Lyndon Johnson, like several presidents before him, believed that if the communists in North Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, were allowed to take over all of Vietnam, then other Southeast Asian nations would fall, too, like a stack of dominos. So, in August, of 1964, Johnson claimed that the U.S. Navy had been attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats, and he told Congress he needed authority to respond to that attack. The U.S. Senate approved (except for 2 Senators) the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave Johnson the authority to bomb North Vietnam. Subsequent insider information has shown there was no attack by the North Vietnamese on U.S. Navy ships. It was a lie, and an abuse of power. Richard Nixon was guilty of many abuses of power during the Watergate scandal, such as authorizing lies by his inner staff, authorizing breaking into Daniel Ellsburg's office, and many more. Ronald Reagan (unwittingly) allowed a secret cell of government to be established in his administration, by Oliver North and John Poindexter; they sold U.S. weapons to the Ayatollah in Iran, and secretly gave the money to the Contras in Nicaragua. George Bush (senior) as VP under Reagan gave millions of dollars in chemical weapons technology to Sadd...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin

How to Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin Fahrenheit and Kelvin are two common temperature scales. The Fahrenheit scale is used in the United States, while Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale, used worldwide for scientific calculations. While you might think this conversion wouldnt occur much, it turns out there is a lot of scientific and engineering equipment that uses the Fahrenheit scale! Fortunately, it is easy to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin. Fahrenheit to Kelvin Method #1 Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature.Multiply this number by 5.Divide this number by 9.Add 273.15 to this number. The answer will be the temperature in Kelvin. Note that while Fahrenheit has degrees, Kelvin does not. Fahrenheit to Kelvin Method #2 You can use the conversion equation to perform the calculation. This is especially easy if you have a calculator that allows you to enter the whole equation, but its not difficult to solve by hand. TK (TF 459.67) x 5/9 For example, to convert 60 degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin: TK (60 459.67) x 5/9 TK 288.71 K Fahrenheit to Kelvin Conversion Table You can also estimate a temperature by looking up the closest value on a conversion table. There is a temperature where the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales read the same temperature. Fahrenheit and Kelvin read the same temperature at 574.25. Fahrenheit (Â °F) Kelvin (K) -459.67 Â °F 0 K -50 Â °F 227.59 K -40 Â °F 233.15 K -30 Â °F 238.71 K -20 Â °F 244.26 K -10 Â °F 249.82 K 0 Â °F 255.37 K 10 Â °F 260.93 K 20 Â °F 266.48 K 30 Â °F 272.04 K 40 Â °F 277.59 K 50 Â °F 283.15 K 60 Â °F 288.71 K 70 Â °F 294.26 K 80 Â °F 299.82 K 90 Â °F 305.37 K 100 Â °F 310.93 K 110 Â °F 316.48 K 120 Â °F 322.04 K 130 Â °F 327.59 K 140 Â °F 333.15 K 150 Â °F 338.71 K 160 Â °F 344.26 K 170 Â °F 349.82 K 180 Â °F 355.37 K 190 Â °F 360.93 K 200 Â °F 366.48 K 300 Â °F 422.04 K 400 Â °F 477.59 K 500 Â °F 533.15 K 600 Â °F 588.71 K 700 Â °F 644.26 K 800 Â °F 699.82 K 900 Â °F 755.37 K 1000 Â °F 810.93 K Do Other Temperature Conversions Converting Fahrenheit to Kelvin is not the only temperature conversion you may need to be familiar with. You may want to learn to convert between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin in any combination Celsius to FahrenheitFahrenheit to CelsiusCelsius to KelvinKelvin to FahrenheitKelvin to Celsius

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example Alice’s leadership styles were very different from those of Isobella and the employees weren’t happy under the leadership of Alice. She changed the focus of the company from creating fashionable garments to making common clothes wore by the Australian women. Delia an old employee and the Chief designer at Fashion Inc decided to resign after Alice took over in charge. This case study shows us that the leadership styles plays an important role on the organizational cultures how and what a leader does, dedicates the success or failure of the company. Organizational Culture is the set of shared values and beliefs that underlie a company’s identity. It is basically the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments. The organizational culture being followed at any organization is a picture of how and what their leaders are doing. The leadership style determines the type of organizational culture. Under different leadership styles we have got different organizational cultures. Fashion Inc fostered an open culture and by large it succeeded in doing so. All employees were well integrated into the system and each individual and his/her thoughts were considered important. It promoted a rational approach to work where there are proper guidelines and procedures. Any problem with the employee be it work related or personal was listened to and the boss tried their best to give solution to the problem. Top management encouraged a supportive culture to provide a satisfying work environment for employees so they can deliver their best. Employees were delegated through their work and the boss worked with the employees side by side. Organizational heads sometimes do not realize that how important role the organizational climate plays on the financial performance of the company. It accounts for

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

US Post Cold War Interventionism Foreign Policy Essay

US Post Cold War Interventionism Foreign Policy - Essay Example There is strong and credible argument that the United States foreign policy has encouraged widespread destabilization across the world, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. The use of the United States military should be restricted to situations where the country’s regional integrity, liberty, or sovereignty is under threat. President George Washington, the founding father of the United States, established the country’s first foreign policy that forbids the new republic to engage in political and power struggles in other countries across the globe. During his farewell speech in 1796, the president stated that â€Å"the great rule of conduct for the United States foreign policy is extending the countries commercial relations, with minimal political involvement as possible† (Gordon and Shapiro, 2004, p52). The president further stated that it was in the United States’ foreign policy to avoid unnecessary permanent alliances with any reg ion across the globe (Dean 1999). Since that speech, the United States has been involved into numerous conflicts across all the six continents in the world. The main objective of the United States involvement in the Cold War was to deter expansion of communism across the world. According to Bleschloss and Talbot (1993), the progress of the Soviet Red Army in the Second World War established the Soviet Union as the most dominant power in European continent. The Red Army freed Eastern Europe from an unwarranted Nazi aggression which had claimed millions of lives in the continent. Blum (2003) noted that the Soviet Union had suffered the heaviest casualties, totalling over 20 million and the new government under President Josef Stalin was determined to prevent western style democracy to become entrenched in the European continent. From these developments, Winston Churchill, then English prime minister, warned of the descent of â€Å"iron curtain† in Europe (Cohen, 1993). This mar ked the beginning of the United States intervention in the region, driven by concerns about the prospect of communist rule in both Eastern and Western Europe. The opposing views pertaining to the political future of the European continent created conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States referred as the Cold War. The tension threatened outbreak of the Third World War as both countries engaged in massive military mobilizations and development of weapons of mass destruction. The competition for developing military weapons and desire to contain the Soviet influence caused a major shift in the United States foreign policy which became more inclined to aggression. According to Cameron (2005, p. 62), the United States committed itself to pursuing â€Å"a patient but firm, long-term policy for containing and eventually destroying the communism by indentifying and revealing major social and economic weaknesses associated with the ideology†. The resulting ideological war took over four decades, causing heavy economic losses to the American economy. Through Truman Doctrine, the United States made its first foreign intervention during peacetime. The country spent millions of dollars to support countries in Europe that were under threat of falling into soviet influence. These included Turkey and Greece in which the American government invested over

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History of Pole Dancing Essay Example for Free

History of Pole Dancing Essay Pole dancing is a combination of dance and gymnastics that is an increasingly popular form of fitness and dance. Pole dancers use a vertical pole which is either static or spinning, and train in gyms or dedicated dance studios. It’s no secret that pole dancing really started in the strip clubs. But it has evolved into so much more and pole dancing fitness enthusiasts and schools have been working tirelessly to change the perception to one of a legitimate dance style emphasising the acrobatics and strength. Circus influences such as Chinese pole and other aerial arts have helped along the way, moving it away from the erotic environment. Competitions are usually non-sexual and are judged on tricks and transitions rather than sensuality. Rather than just the gyrating and grinding people expect it to be, pole dancing requires an amazing amount of strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance, even a five minute routine is extremely tiring! Obviously in clubs, rather than actual tricks, there is a lot of floor-work and other things that are designed to arouse rather than amaze! Pole dancers use upper body and core strength are the most obvious requirements as there are a lot of climbs, spins and inverting the body weight – it often involves a lot of training to get anywhere near an advanced level. Pole dancing as we see it today originated during the depression in America. The traveling entertainment and carnival troupes would go from town to town. In one of the side tents aside from the main show, girls would dance suggestively on a small stage in front of crowds of cheering men. Sound familiar? Pole dancing gradually moved into to bars in the 1950s as burlesque became more popular and then during the 1980s in North America, became pole dancing and the modern striptease. It was only a decade later that a dancer in Canada started teaching pole dancing for fitness to women who weren’t club dancers. In Australia, the first pole dancing studio, Bobbi’s Pole Studio, opened in Sydney in 2004, closely followed by Pole Divas in Melbourne in 2004 and a national competition followed in 2005. Since then there have been dozens of pole dancing schools opening all over Australia and we boast some of the best pole dancers in the world, including multiple Miss Pole Dance World winner, Felix Cane. We do know that there are different styles of pole dancing including Chinese pole, and Mallakhamb (an Indian sport), neither of which have an erotic component and are mainly performed by men, so obviously pole dancing in different forms has developed around the world over time. The Mallakhamb pole is wide, made of wood and has a wooden ball on the top of it. Chinese Pole is usually performed using two poles, between which the men perform gravity defying acrobatics. During a pole dancing fitness class, which are often similar to aerobics or dance classes in their format, students begin with a cardiovascular warm up, use dynamic stretching and strength drills to prepare and then learn a series of tricks, climbs and inverts and often then put them into a dance routine to practice transitions and develop their endurance. One other thing that is often reported by women who have taken up pole dancing for fitness is a feeling of empowerment and increased confidence. Whether this is because of their developing strength, skill, grace or simply a sense of achievement, differs from student to student. Pole dancing now focuses on the fitness, acrobatics and dance performance aspects and competitions are fierce. Some dancers are lean contortion machines whilst some look like they could be body builders in their spare time. Women and men compete on a regular basis around the world in a number of styles, all with absolutely breathtaking performances. Pole dancing has definitely come a long way from the sexy tent pole dancing where it began!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Impact of Technology on Warfare :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Impact of Technology on Warfare Technology changes every day, sometimes the events in our life shape what new technology we use. You would have to be living in a hole not know that we are in conflict with Iraq, and this event has changed digital warfare. The U.S. army has come up with a digital warfare system called Army Battle Command System. This system can scan digital street maps, monitor enemy positions, zoom in on individual buildings through satellite imagery and download instructions from commanders. The Army Battle Command System has been but in to a hand full of Humvees in Iraq. This technology was originally designed for battlefield combat which was tanks and helicopters, but now they have found that it is much more useful for hunting rebel leaders and trailing street fighters. This new technology helps the commanding officers know what is going on by that they can be back at there command base and watch raids unfold on large screens and watch real time footage. This allows them to know what exactly what is taking place. The technology has allowed commanders to plan complicated raids and organize battle gear and hundreds of soldiers within two hours. At that speed , they say, it played an important part in capturing Saddam Hussein and other fugitives. One important element to the system is that each military vehicle is tracked by satellite and it appears as a moving blue icon on a computer screen inside these Humvees that have been equipped with the Army Battle Command System, this is important to the Humvee driver because now he is able to know where all tanks and other army vehicles are located and this is said to have helped reduce the amount of friendly fire incidents. Back before they had this technology the drivers would have to radio back to the command base and inform them on there location, â€Å"No longer do you have guys on a map putting little stickers where things are at, now it is digitally done. It allows commanders to move more rapidly, more decisively, more violently.† [1] A helpful feature that the Army Battle Command System has is a touch screen monitor which allows the officer to place icons on the map and have it appear on screens throughout the system which makes them able to show enemy position, possible ambush locations, fugitive hide outs and locations of newly found roadside bombs.

Monday, November 11, 2019

America Needs Its Nerds Essay

The socially and physically inept, the outcasts, often associated with computers and books- these characteristics constitute the stereotype of the average geek. Students are afraid to reveal their identities in an environment among their peers because of the fear of being an outcast among the idolized jocks. In an excerpt from â€Å"America Needs Its Nerds† Harvard student and writer Leonid Fridman expresses his disgust for the unjust treatment of individuals who are essential to our country- the geeks. He addresses the American public with a call to action to put geeks into their deserved positions, giving them hope and motivation to express their own identities. Fridman utilizes irony when discussing how even Harvard students are being picked on, as well as the compare and contrast between America’s discouraging treatment of the nerd to East Asia and China’s praising of them, to represent how the fear of social rejection has forced these mistreated intellects t o hide their academic capabilities. Leonid Fridmen is disappointment with the fact that even at Harvard, one of the top Ivy League colleges, students are still picked on because of their levels of intellect. It is ironic that even at one of the top colleges in America where nerds and geeks dominate the realm of the school that â€Å"anti-intellectualism is rampant†. Social standing competes with intelligence even at the most academic institution, showing America that students are â€Å"ashamed† of their intellect because of the negative stereotypes society degraded them with. Fridman also employs irony when referring to â€Å"get[ting] wasted at parties† by describing how nerds avoid damaging their brain and bodies, but are punished socially for not  physically hurting themselves. Fridman’s call to action addresses the American public as being erroneous in their actions of idolizing the nonintellectual while demeaning the studious intellectuals when he compares America’s academic values to those of East Asia’s. In America, athletes and celebrities are rewarded and more prevalent in society then those interested in pursuing academics. With these characteristics of our society, it is impossible to â€Å"compete in the technology rate† or be a â€Å"leading political and cultural force† with other countries who encourage academics rather than reject the individuals who excel in it. Fridman’s belief of demeaning the intellectual is a continual paradigm in our society today. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected to be the Governor of California; however, it was primarily for his name recognition as a body builder and film star, lacking any experience working in government. Although Schwarzenegger lacked the intellectual knowledge he needed, he was elected because the public idolized him. The public is more interested in the media and athletics and neglect to realize the important impact researchers and intellects have on our world. Colleges pay college athletic coaches more than the professors working at an institution. Americans pay more on professional sports then they do to fund cancer research or education. As USA Today wrote, â€Å"You can get a Nobel Prize at your university and you won’t get anywhere near that attention. And so I think between the public and the media, they are telling us what they value.† The public is involved, and often times addicted, to athletes or social media and reject the academically motivated as outcasts from the ideal society. Unfortunately, this public is unaware of the capabilities of academic achievement and the progress it has brought us in our world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Matthew Mazzotta Essay

In John Milton Cooper Jr’s â€Å"Why Wisconsin? The Badger State in the Progressive Era† he talks about why Wisconsin was the leading state in the progressive movement and if it was just by a freak accident or not. Wisconsin became known as the laboratory of democracy around this time period by leading the reform movements that became known as progressivism. Many people like to accredit this to its people’s naturally bright, creative, forward looking attitudes. Yet there was no good reason why Wisconsin should have been the state to take the lead with this movement. Urban reforms are what first made an impact in the change in Wisconsin’s laws. There were many municipal reforms in many of the larger cities and towns but none of them ever grew into full-fledged movements that made it to other cities and states. Wisconsin took the lead in this movement in 1900 when Robert M. La Follette won the governorship at the head of an insurgent republican party that wanted to reform railroad taxation, railroad regulation, and the direct primary. From that moment on Wisconsin would remain at the head of the movement. The timing of this was one of the big factors that contributed to Wisconsin’s success. There were state wide reform movements appearing all over the mid-west, Ohio or Michigan may have beaten Wisconsin to the punch if it wasn’t for La Follette’s election at that time. Historians like to say that a person does not a movement make. But without La Follette Wisconsin probably would never had advanced as far as it did. Another fact that helped Wisconsin enter the reform as early as it did was its relative weakness of the conservative business allied elements that held power in the Republican Party, there was no political machine that ran the state. So clearly Wisconsin’s leading role in the progressive movement was not all due to one man, but that doesn’t make La Follette’s impact in the state any less real. Wisconsin became the lead in this movement by being the first to enact laws on a state level, which would never have happened so fast if it wasn’t for La Follette.   Between his elections he made sure to keep his name out there in the people’s minds by tirelessly speaking about reform issues, he also contacted likeminded leaders in counties and towns across the state and kept their names in an elaborate filing system, talking with them through frequent letters and meetings. La Follette’s followers called themselves â€Å"progressives† one of the first times the word that would become the signature for this era was used. Thanks to Muck-raking journalists who were pointing to La Follette and his state as shining examples on how to make things better, Wisconsin become renowned as the flagship state for reform. The progressives in the state would have times where the â€Å"Stalwarts† took control of the state but after a few of those times the progressives help on to control for over 20 years. So in conclusion, there were many reasons why Wisconsin was the leading state in the reform policies of the progressive era. Some of the reasons are directly related to people and their actions, and some are thanks to good luck and amazing timing. La Follette was the main reason that Wisconsin was able to do so well for itself, his amazing charisma unrelenting drive for changed is what pushed Wisconsin to pass all the reform laws that’s it did so early in the era. Yet if La Follette didn’t get elected when he did Wisconsin may have been lost in the confusion because other states would have beat them to the punch. Another reason why they did so well was because of their lack of a strong political machine that ran the state making it easy to pass laws and change things that have been the same in the state for so very long. So all in all La Follette was the main reason that Wisconsin was the flagship of the progressive movement, but he had plenty of help from luck, good ti ming, and amazing circumstances.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How Women Can Navigate Male-Dominated Fields

How Women Can Navigate Male-Dominated Fields Who run the world? You know the answer. Women aren’t just phenomenal mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends any longer - they’re also must-have experts in the work environments that were once dominated by men. And while it’s taking some industries longer than others to catch up, it’s worth noting that progress has been made. Diverse workplaces benefit the employer, staff, and the consumer in a number of ways. Employers have access to their employees’ varied outlooks, broad backgrounds and creativity in problem solving. And as women take on challenging roles in once male-dominated niches, they’re learning how to navigate a predominantly male-influenced field. In doing so, they’re helping brands discover how to make the environment hospitable to more diverse populations and how to make products that speak to varied consumers. This is perhaps most noteworthy in career paths in the STEM sector.In tech, for example, women are chang ing their work landscape for the better. After all, women aren’t just working in tech fields. Women are also tech users. Having women in product development and marketing leads to better insights into how to attract and keep female customers. It also helps tech companies gain insights as to what products women need. â€Å"Hiring for diversity means onboarding different methods and strategies of thinking, as well as the increased capability to understand the pain points of all members of your target demographic,† write the experts at Mondo. When you have a diverse staff, you’re more able to meet the needs of new users, or better solve problems in your own organization.There is of course still a long way to go. In cybersecurity for example, women have made a huge impact but still make up only 11 percent of the workforce. The reasons for this are abundant, of course. Fewer women graduate with STEM degrees due to a number of factors, ranging from socialization to ge nder bias, to discrimination. But the problem exists in the workplace itself as well. Many women report having to endure a workplace environment that is akin to a â€Å"good ol’ boys club,† are expected to work long hours that are not conducive to raising a family, and experience derogatory and sexist comments in the workplace. â€Å"Corporate culture is often less accessible to women for very clear historical reasons: the modern workplace was built around the assumption of a nuclear family with a working father and a stay-at-home mom, and for as much as our society has changed, that model is still assumed in workplaces across America,† Liz Elting writes for Forbes. â€Å"The result is a culture that excludes all but a specific type of employee and isn’t actually good for anyone.†While it’s not up to women to single-handedly upend systems that are centuries old, there are many things women can do to make their workplaces more hospitable. So how can women best navigate their day-to-day participation in male-dominated fields?Seek out other women for supportFirst, it’s important that women seek out others in their industry and in their specific job to connect with. Part of the reasons that â€Å"boys clubs† still exist because they offer a valuable asset: solidarity. Boys clubs offer professional support, opportunities for advancement, mentorship, and so much more- all of which are worthwhile and useful to women in the workplace.While you shouldn’t sequester yourself completely, it’s highly valuable to be around like-minded women who are going through the same experiences as you are who can offer these same kinds of benefits- though it’s certainly easier said than done. â€Å"[This] requires support from the company’s female leadership such as it exists,† Elting continues. â€Å"But if you can enlist the right members of management or executive teams, you can begin structu ring your own ‘girls’ club,’ so to speak, that provides women with our own professional opportunities.†Elting elaborates by noting that while this might seem like a forced action, it’s important to remember that these boys clubs don’t exist by accident. â€Å"They are power structures that were constructed to ensure a certain kind of person rises to the top: someone who is ‘one of them.’† Therefore, it only makes sense that while these structures exist in the workplace, that women create the same opportunities for mentorship and advancement themselves.Advocate for a better work/life balanceAs Elting said, many of these male-dominated environments still operate under the assumptions that men are the primary breadwinners in their families. For women with families and work lives, this can cause a problem. In a recent survey by the career site Indeed, work-life balance was was cited by 14.4 percent of respondents as a reason th ey chose to leave their respective industries. An additional 2.3 percent noted that inadequate parental leave policies forced them to find new lines of work. Of those who already have children, 28 percent of women believe they’ve been passed up for advancements in their careers because they’re a parent with outside responsibilities. Advocating for more inclusive work policies, such as flexible scheduling, better child care services, maternity leave, and more can help groups of women keep their positions and advance in the workforce. Companies, of course, can work to create these kinds of policies on their own, and it’s been proven to work. Tech company Alibaba has a workforce made up of more than 40 percent women, and six of the company’s founders were female. In 2018, Bank of America was a winner of the Top Companies for Women Technologists award. IBM has been hiring women since 1899, and they were a winner of the 2018 Catalyst Award, honoring their role in helping women advance in business.By creating cultures of diversity in their workplaces, companies, their employees, and their customers all benefit. Amplifying these diverse voices and supporting those who have previously been unheard in these industries will create bountiful opportunities for generations to come.About the Author: Jori Hamilton is a writer from the Pacific Northwest who has a particular interest in social justice, politics, education, healthcare, technology, and more. You can follow her on twitter @ HamiltonJori.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities in a Global Environment

The need for expansion remains one of the most crucial objectives for any business organization. In addition to dominating the domestic make, certain organization desire to explore wider markets which cause them to work on projects which involve venturing into the foreign markets (Amoako, 2003).   Internationalization of operations is always accompanied by a number of challenges which could be attributed to the dynamic nature of the foreign market areas. According to Cairns and Sliwa 2008), the dynamic nature leads to occasional changes in the consumer preferences, prices of products, variations in customer and supplier bargaining power as well as changes in both the company and host country policies. In order to have a good grip of the foreign markets, it is therefore vital for business organizations to put in place the right strategies. These strategies are always aimed at enhancing the competitive levels of the company within the global environment. Additionally, when companies put in place the right approaches to operation, they are likely to enhance sustainability and hence be able to stay relevant in such environments despite the noted challenges. This essay highlights and discusses some of the challenges faced by business organizations and managers while operating in a global environment. The discussion shall also entail some of the opportunities that may be established within the global fonts which the business organization could take advantage of in order to achieve international success. The study derives illustrations from Qantas Airways which one of the leading multinational corporations not only in Australia but in the world. Through the review of literature as the main qualitative approach to data collection, the discussion shall therefore focus on some of the challenges faced by the mentioned company in its bid to gain international stability in the ever changing global environment. In a bid to ensure the stability of its market base, an organization needs to conduct a thorough feasibility test and hence establish some of the possible obstacles to global development (Cantwell and Narula, 2004). At the same time, it is a fact worth noting that the challenges to international development may not have a holistic solution in the near future due to the fact that they take various trends as days go by. However, a good understanding and projection of these challenges could play a crucial role in helping managers come up with the most effective counter measures. To begin with, one of the most common challenges to operating in a global environment is the aspect of changes in the political atmosphere as one move from country to another. While some countries enjoy a relatively stable political environment, there are those areas characterized by political turmoil which in turn cause instability in a number of aspects (Calof, 2009). For instance, the political atmosphere within a given country largely influences the nature of governance. The government structure and the leadership approaches in turn influence the kind of policies put in place to control a number of aspects within the country which also includes control of international investors, business practices as well as product prices just to mention but few. The policies implemented by a government, for instance the ones meant to govern business operations, play a pivotal role in defining the business environment both for the local as well as the foreign investors. Consequently, stringent government polices tend to minimize the scope of operations for the foreign investors which proves to be one of the challenges to associated with operating in a global environment.   According to Caves (2006), the policies may require the organization to employ only a given number of foreign employees. This implies, before venturing into the global market, the organization has to identify and initiate the locals employees into the businesses’ mission and vision, an aspect which is not only time consuming but also involves the use of a lot of resources. It can therefore be deduced that a bad political atmosphere leads to an unstable leadership structure characterized by unfavorable business policies which act as obstacles to smooth operations in a global environment (Cox, 2007). However, in markets where the policies are conducive, the foreign investors are accorded an opportunity to expand their operations since these regulations are supportive enough for business growth. V ariations in political trends from one country to another explain why Qantas Airways continues to struggle in a bid to establish its base in certain countries across Europe, Asia and in Africa. Secondly, there is the aspect of infrastructure. In most developed countries, the level of infrastructural development is at a relatively advanced stage.   This implies that there is easy movement of people and resources from one place to another due to the good network of roads and other forms of transport (Dicken, 1998). Operating in such environments is quite a manageable task for the international organizations. For instance, the good transport systems in most countries Europe, America and Asia explain why Qantas has been able to enhance sustainability in these areas. Additionally, the good communication systems have remained pivotal in enhancing communication between the organization’s management and its clients in addition to the communication aspects involving aerial operations, traffic control and flight control just to mention but few (Dunning, 2003). The good infrastructural developments in these countries have offered a perfect opportunity for Qantas Airways to es tablish its operations in these global environments. However, the level of development of roads and communication systems remains a challenge in most developing countries especially in Africa and some parts of Europe. The poor transport management systems hinder the free movement of customers and employees to and from the airport. For instance, poor road systems lead to the occurrence of jams which may occasionally result in inconveniences especially when the clients are unable to catch their flight on time (Flyvbjerg, 2001). Consequently, the airways have lost some of its clients to alternative modes of transport as a result of such challenges. Thirdly, the aspect of customer bargaining power in addition to the common changes in consumer preferences may acts as another challenge to operating in a global environment.   As stated by Freeman (2010), the unexpected changes in the consumer needs make the global environment quite unpredictable and may easily result in the company losing its customers to a rival supplier. The customer’s bargaining power involves the standards forwarded by the clients with respect to their ability to pay for the services. When the clients bargaining power exceeds the minimal requirements stated by the organization, the final return on investments is likely to be low. Consequently, there would be a need to strike a balance between the client’s bargains and the prices stated by the company. This ensures that both parties gain at the end of the day. The absence of this balance is the root cause of losses incurred by a company. At the same time, the consumer needs keep changing as one m oves from one environment to another. These needs may be attributed to changes in weather, economic status and complexity of flights just to mention but few. When the clients present needs that are beyond the organization’s strength to achieve, there is the likely occurrence of low consumer satisfaction which in turn reduces loyalty. Low customer loyalty is a major challenge to the stability of a foreign organization’s market base. On the other hand,   good business-consumer relations enable a close knit between an organization and its customers. This makes it easy to establish the client feedbacks as well as their changing needs.   Qantas Airways may harness this opportunity to maintain a competitive edge by predicting the changes in consumer preferences and hence adjusting its products and services to fit these needs. The fourth challenge is the presence of competitors in the global market. Qantas Airways, despite being one of the largest industries in the world faces challenges from other effective service providers including Airbus and Singapore Airlines just to mention but few. Additionally, there is also the challenge of the emergence of smaller airlines which offer similar services but at relatively lower prices with the aim of capturing as many clients as possible (Friedman, 2006). The presence of other service providers in the global environment goes a long way in increasing its capacity and instead decreasing the profitability. For instance, when a market comprise several organizations offering the same products and services, customers are likely to weigh and hence pick the most affordable alternatives (Harrison, 2011). This becomes a challenge to international organizations especially in cases where the level of customer loyalty is low. The organizations therefore divide the market and a company gets its clients depending on the level of competitiveness and the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. In order to attain and retain global dominance, it would be crucial for the organization to put in place the most effective strategies. The strategy here ought to involve a careful analysis of the impending challenges and taking advantage of the possible opportunities in bid to cut a competitive edge in the dynamic global market.   One of the core approaches ought to be the conduction of a thorough feasibility test. This approach enables the organization to have in depth understanding of the nature of the foreign market, the variations in the clients’ cultural and social attributes as well as the changes in economic levels (Hartt and Durepos, 2012).   A good understanding of each of these aspects would therefore enable the organization to come up with the right counter measures aimed at curbing the challenges and increasing sustainability. There is an inevitable need for flexibility in the approaches of operation within a global market. For instance, there customer preferences keep changing from time to time based on a number of factors. It would therefore be vital for Qantas Airways to occasionally alter its products and services in order to fit the changing client needs. This could be achieved by altering the product prices, making the planes more spacious and adjusting the fight departures. By studying the trends in the consumer behavior, it is possible to identify their specific needs. The company can then focus on satisfying these needs which leads to customer loyalty and hence market stability despite the high level of competition (Harvey, 2007). Furthermore, the international organization needs to monitor the political trends, the nature of governance and hence the nature of the government policies. Before introducing new products, like new flight schedules, new planes and higher capacity carriers, it would be v ital for the organization to know the effects that the current policies would have on such new projects. Good policies allow for innovation and development while stringent ones hinder effective development. Consequently, Qantas Airways can focus its operations in global environments which are characterized by supportive government polices of international organizations (Johnson and Turner, 2010). The study above reveals a number of challenges which could be associated with managing a business in a global environment. These include changing customer preferences, government policies, level of infrastructure as well as the presence of competitors. As a result, business organizations intending to remain relevant in the dynamic corporate market ought to stay aggressive with its strategies and approach to management. Implementing the right business practices would enhance organizational sustainability in the global environment. Amoako, G. 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(1998) Global Shift: Transforming the World Economy, 3 rd Edn., New York: Guilford Press. Dunning, J. (2003) Multinational enterprise and the global economy, Addison-Wesley   Publishers, England, Viewed 7 April 2016. Flyvbjerg, J. (2001)  Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How It Can Succeed Again. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Freeman, R. (2010) Strategic management: a stakeholder approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Friedman, T. (2006) The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, California: Farrat, Straus, and Giroux. Harrison, A. (2011) ‘International Entry and Country Analysis’, A lecture programme delivered    at technical university of Kosice, viewed 7 April 2016. Hartt, C. and Durepos, G. (2012) ‘Markets, organizations, institutions and national identity: Pan American Airways, postcoloniality and Latin America’. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 8(1), pp. 14 – 36. Harvey, D. (2007). A Brief History of Neoliberalism, London: Oxford University Press. Johnson, D. and Turner, C. (2010) International Business, 2 nd Edn., London: Routledge.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Economics and Business of the Asia-Pacific Region and Emerging Markets Essay

Economics and Business of the Asia-Pacific Region and Emerging Markets - Essay Example As the paper highlights the measurement of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is principally viewed to be one of the decisive parameters in determining the economy of a nation. In this regard, it is observed that the economy of China has developed significantly during the post Mao period in terms of GDP. This has been more prominent after the economic liberation witnessed by the nation in the 1990s. Further development in the economy of the nation occurred during 21st century, wherein the rate of GDP is mostly found to be in double-digits. The GDP rate of China in post Mao period can be better understood from the below depicted graphical representation.This discussion stresses that  there are certain nations in Asia that have grown extensively during the same period. These nations include Japan, South Korea and India among others. It is important to note that Japan and South Korea are the nations that have shown constant growth in GDP rates during the post Mao period. Moreover, it is wor th mentioning that China has also grown extensively after liberation and more prominently in the 21st century. However, these countries i.e. South Korea and Japan could not grow in higher rates as compared to China. One of the prime reasons for China to experience higher GDP is the liberation in the economy. The open economy in the region has led to the creation of equal and fair opportunities to the traders.